About the Artist

Robin Robinson

b. 1967, Kentucky, USA

Robin Robinson is a fine artist based in Peachtree City, Georgia, USA. Raised in rural Iowa as the eight of nine children, Robinson had a lifelong love and appreciation for art, but didn’t pick up a paintbrush until 2014. Her leap into the art world came almost as an epiphany when she realized she could no longer keep her creative energy inside herself.

As a self-taught artist, her approach was to create a piece of art every single day, and within months her style and personality found a direction and a true artistic voice. Robinson enjoys experimenting with different media but gravitates toward acrylics as they fit the speed of her imagination. “When I see a piece in my mind, I have to get that image out as soon as possible so I don’t loose the essence of the idea. For me, there is a time factor and the longer I refine the concept in my mind, the less authentic it becomes.”

By creating tiny, delicate composures alongside elaborate pieces filled with sound, she found an initial following and market for her work through social media before branching out to show her work to gallery owners and private parties in the Atlanta market.

“I'm transparent about my status as a self-taught artist. I like to think there is an individuality to my process that makes me unique. When I create something, it’s just me, figuring out how to express my vision…not a formula for creation. I also hope to inspire other artists who have the gift inside of them but like I was, are too afraid of failing to try to create something beautiful and wondrous.”

In addition to extensive private commissions for custom pieces, Robinson’s work can be found on display at William Craig in Atlanta and the Dogwood Gallery in Tyrone, Georgia, where she is currently represented.

